Cfirsdon Member


  • I'm actually seeing doctors to have it done myself. It's looking like my date will be in October. You'll have a better time finding like-minded people on Instagram. Search #VSG. I follow a lot of people who've had it, some as recent as last week. It's nice to be able to watch peoples progress.
  • It goes beyond being able to carry children. Untreated here's a part of the laundry list of issues we can get: Type 2 diabetes High blood pressure Cholesterol and lipid abnormalities, such as elevated triglycerides or low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, the "good" cholesterol Metabolic syndrome — a cluster of…
  • I have PCOS, (And the chin hair to prove it!). I've found that eating a Ketogenic diet works well with losing weight and "treating" PCOS. The holidays this year really derailed me, but I'm back on it this week. If you want to know more about it, look up Dr. Jeff Volek. He is a professor at The Ohio State University, and a…