LoveLifeLiveHealthy Member


  • Week 1 starting weight: 234.6 and now on week 4 I weigh 228.6 :) !!!! I am so happy to be out of the 230's.
  • My weekly challenge is going to be only consuming whole foods. I am hoping this will help free me from my addiction to sugar.
  • Stay positive and kudos for getting back on track.
  • I logged everything but sometime not until the end of the day. I am going to try and log it at the time I eat it this week. I am hoping that prevents me from going over my calories.
  • Coffee has been my weakness , it is a comfort food for me. It reminds me of sitting around the family table visiting about our day. It has been really wet and cold here this week, which depresses me, so I have turned to coffee. I know coffee is not bad for you but I can't drink it without flavored creamers, which are VERY…
  • Week 2: 232.6
  • The struggle is real today!! Trying to dig deep to focus on the good. Trying to focus on gratitude. I am grateful for this group and having a safe place to share my thoughts. Thank you.
  • I use a protein shake that is made out of pea protein and I love it. It doesn't have the chalky texture, it actually is like a milkshake, so good. I use coconut milk to mix mine and sometimes sneak in a little spinach and blueberries. It is very low in sugar,fat, has no dairy or soy. I get it from a company called Arbonne.
  • A chocolate biscuit!! What is that? Actually, I don't want or need to know that information. I have plenty of foods already on my "I love those" list, no need to add!! If it happened at 4am it counts as today, so you logged it correctly. :)
  • "The decision to be positive is not one that disregards or belittles the sadness that exists. It is rather a conscious choice to focus on the good and to cultivate genuine happiness. Happiness is not a limited resource. When we devote our energy and time to trivial matters and choose to stress over things that ultimately…
  • 234.6 lbs :'( We can do this, have a good week everyone.
  • This is a hard one for me. If I don't allow a free day, I feel deprived and have more cravings. If I allow myself a cheat day, I think it is a free for all and use it more as a binge day. I like your idea of just making a free meal rather than a day.
  • Hello everyone. I have spent my whole life taking care of others, now it is time to take care of me. I am 100 lbs overweight and just want to be healthy. Weight loss was so easy when I was younger but now in my late 40's it is very difficult. I am excited to be accountable to the group and to see what changes we can make…
  • Restarting my weight loss journey and need all the motivation I can get. I would love to join this challenge, please sign me up.