domsmomm13 Member


  • That's great! I too had a major soda addiction. I had to stop every morningand grab myself a 32oz soda for breakfast, another with lunch and sometimes a can in the afternoon. So today i had a mini melt down when I realized just how much carbs I'd have to eat to commit to a vegan lifestyle. In watching videos and reading…
  • Joy- I can't even tell you how many times I have lost 30-50lbs and gained it all and then some back. At my heaviest I was 230 when I had my son years ago. . But I think I'm finally ready to commit to a lifestyle change and not the latest diet. Let's drop this weight together... It going to be a funeral for our fat! :D
  • Socialdchick- congrats on the 33lbs! That's awesome. My son is turning 9 in Aug.. funny we are in a similar boat! Yes it is soo expensive to be healthy, honestly I spend more on food than any regular bill.. I know it'll pay off though. Healthy=Happy. I love meat, cheese, dairy.. all of it.. it's only been 3 days so far…
  • Hi! Feel free to reach me.. I know your story all too well and could use the same from you! :) My goal is 70lbs by my 30th Bday! I'm one month in, 12 lbs down and on day 3 of attempting a vegan diet at leat 80-90% of the time.. Vegan is all new to me so there is a lot to resist!