mia1984xxxxx Member


  • Welcome back! :) its never too late to start over, you took a big step today so you should feel really proud of yourself, feel free to add me for support :)
  • 5.2lb is fantastic! I am a similar weight to you and I am the same age, also in a sit down job, its definatley good to aim for 1lb a week as you are more likely to keep it off then if you lose too much too quickly I know it can feel frustrating when you feel others are losing more but the scales do not tell the whole…
  • Hi, I am going through the same thing myself, I get to a point when I hit that plateau and find it hard to break through so I give up, really hoping to break that cycle, feel free to add me :) hopefully we can motivate each other :)
  • Hi Donna, I am the same, I have about 4 to go myself, we can do it!! and well done on losing your first! that's amazing!! :) Feel free to add me :) I am also a fellow UK'er
  • Feel free to add me anyone, I will always try to be a good supportive friend, and I definatley need the support! :)