If the advice gets the results we want, that's the most important thing. Totally agree. .
46 need friends too. Add me
I'm in the middle of almost 20 pound goal. Love to help.
Make some good lasting habits in your eating and it will come off. Best wishes in your new marriage. On my second also with some real bumps here and there but still happy with my choice
Used to be fit, then went back to school and work continued full time, got married again and voila! I know it hasn't happened overnight. Was in denial for awhile and then I've been off and on diets since then. Food temptations from coworkers/pharmaceutical reps bringing in stuff, the free lunches and then good wine at…
Generalizing a sample size that small is not generalizable to the larger population. Questions to ask yourself when you read a study summary conclusion. Sample size large (several hundred to thousand)? Representative of diversity in ethnicity, gender, age, educational preparation (does factor in), diversity of location…
you can send me a friend request. I'm 46 with 20 to lose. On low carb high protein and 5 pounds down.
Great perseverance. Thank you for sharing. Look great!!
I remember what it was like doing all three of those and watching my weight creep up. Then after finishing school I gained more weight in my new job for all the great sweet stuff being brought to the office. Each day is a bit of a struggle to turn down that stuff while everyone else eats. Just remember why you're doing it…