Fongpei Member


  • Im on the Keto rebound now after packing on 20 lbs. Just getting serious about it now and looking for a group to keep me inspired. I taught cooking classes before COVID hit and was integrating cuisines from around the world to the Keto lifestyle. Hope to loose some weight and get back to what I love to do. Would love to…
  • Congratulation on getting sober and wanting to get fit. I too was an alcoholic that came very close to damaging my liver. Get your blood work done and that will chart your course in recovery. In general, our bodies will try to replace the sugar in alcohol with anything glucose related. Took me close to 18 months to stop…
  • There are “natural sweeteners” like Xylatol or erythitol that are very close to sugar. I run a cooking school for Non chefs and dessert is s big issue during our Keo Cooking classes. We just made Panna Cotta with it and it’s better than aspartame for sure. We found our seeet palate has a much lower threshold when you go…