Marycycles Member


  • As a cyclist you really need to wear something tight that doesn't ride up. But I refuse to wear bike shorts. I mostly wear running skorts.
  • I shave but gave up on my eyebrows.
  • Married and I love bikers! ( bicycles )
  • I highly recommend getting a real bike at a real bike shop and have them fit you and use the trainer, because, then your butt will be used to the same seat if you want take it outside, which in my opinion, is the only way to enjoy spinning your wheels!
  • Lots of people run all their lives, injuries happen with any sport. But I don't get runners high on my bike and believe me it's better than sex and lasts longer!
  • I was at 250 started walking got up to 8 miles a day took about a month, then as I listened to music I would jog a little during the faster songs. Within 5 months I jogged a half marathon at 12 minute miles. BUT My knee was not ready for such a pounding and now gives me trouble when I run more than three miles, so I bike,…
  • I lost 105lbs running, it suppressed my appetite and I had lots of calories to eat never felt hungry. Knee injury has me biking and yes I can burn 2000 calories easily with biking, but it leaves me starving and I know all to well how to binge eat! Have gained 60lbs back! Even doing 6325 road miles! Calories verses deficit…
  • What you are experiencing is called runners high. Not everyone gets it, not even my husband whose has ran seven! It's what drives people to do triathlons and do ultra marathons. I am like that. Listen to your body and if you are sore do not push it! It will cause injury and you will miss weeks!
  • I lost 105lbs in 8 months kept it off for 2yrs then got depressed after my mother died and started binge eating. Now I gained 60 lbs back, which is depressing in it's self! But the losing was super easy when motives! Emotions are key for me. I have battled thru anorexia and bulimia since high school I am now 49 and still…
  • I lost 105lbs in 8 months kept it off for 2 years and only had problems when I changed jobs and then my mother died. I still exercise every day and eat healthy but was giving into binge eating and started gaining which, of course, made me depressed and eat more! Sometimes it doesn't matter what formula you use to lose…
  • If you do not eat all your calories your body goes into starvation mode! I have suffered from anorexia in my past and when I started mfp it kept telling me that! Once I started to trust it the pounds just fell off! Even if I ran 8 miles at 7pm I would hit the Chinese restaurant on the way home to get them in before bed. I…
  • Start walk/running! But make sure you eat ALL your calories! Otherwise your body thinks your starving and holds onto the weight. I lost 105lbs in 8 months, by running!!! Knee problems gave me 60lbs back.
  • I lost 105lbs made my goal kept it off 2 years then got a new job and a lot of stress eating put 60lbs back on, help!
  • Starting over, lost a lot of weight, but have gained half of it back. Need all the help I can find!