masihbelum Member


  • [/quote] fingers crossed o get some respite and can't start working on the other things [/quote] Just checking in. Hope you're seeing some progress in finding the right meds and moving a bit more. One day at a time! Take care.
  • For me, working through major depression is an ongoing process, and I really relate to your challenges, CharlotteRose82. The first pieces to put in place for me were meds and counseling, as that combination has the best track record for learning to live with mental illness. Meds took several months of trial and error to…
  • I mark these days on my calendar: Beware of Cravings! This serves as a little reminder to make sure I eat good meals during those days, sometimes logging them ahead of time so I have a plan in place and know my nutritional needs are met. I've found recently that my cravings often signal a need for some TLC, like a walk,…
  • Good for you for doing what you believe is best for yourself! You know where you've been weight-wise, and you know where you want to be and are willing to take the steps to eat good foods and limit less-good-for-you foods. You've persisted over months and years to find what will keep you fit and satisfied food-wise. Well…
  • For us, a shared meal at night brings our day to a focus--we're home to enjoy time and a good meal together. I'll admit that my husband and I eat on the couch in front of the television most nights, but it is a home-cooked meal and we take time to catch up after the show when we've relaxed a bit. When kids happen, we'll…
  • Happy to help! Here's a helpful article on that: Cheers!
  • I so relate! I remember losing ~10 lbs before I turned 30 and thought, "I never want to do THAT again," but here I am needing to lose 30+lbs (Dr.'s orders) and feel angry and overwhelmed. I'm not a good rule-follower by nature :wink:, so counting calories and scheduling exercise takes more self-discipline than most…
  • Congrats on moving out on your own! This is a great time to really learn to live the life you want: fitness-wise, food-wise, health-wise. It sounds like you're starting some great habits of building exercise into your day and paying attention to what and how much you eat. Sorry about the dress disappointment--fitting rooms…