sarabudxox Member


  • @coriexa Yeah I'll have to change my mindset , I just hate being that one person trying to get fit and eating five donuts or other sweets. At first I think oh well I worked out its fine and then I look at all those fit girls And they haven't touched a sweet in their whole lives basically. @Kalikel ugh I don't know I guess…
  • But I feel like eating any sweets makes me a bad person and I really want a flat and toned stomach and it seems as if there's no choice but to not eat any desserts or any added sugar if you want a nice stomach. @Liftng4Lis
  • @meulf6f i Have no idea how I could try a low carb diet when everything I eat is basically carbs. And im only 16 with no money and my parents don't care for eating healthy and don't have the money to buy specific foods for me. @Nebrie IVE tried chewing gum but it doesn't stop the fact that I want something sweet like…