lfrancis218 Member


  • Congrats on your 10lb loss! That's awesome!!! I love walking. It's too hot here to go for walks outside so I've been popping in my favorite fast beat music and hitting the treatmill. My 9 and 6 year old like to do calestenics with me every morning.. the 9 year old always turns it into a competition.
  • Love all this support and encouragement! I'm 34 years old, 5'2 and would like to lose 75lbs... or i should say i want to feel good and feel amazing about myself. I'm down 11lbs since starting back on MFP 3 weeks ago... and down almost 14 inches overall. I've been exercising 6 days a week (fitness walking 3-4 miles) and…
  • I just got my charge hr yesterday. I'd love to add friends for motivation and challenges. I'm trying to lose weight and get healthy! https://www.fitbit.com/user/3L9657