martaindale Member


  • @teresa502 I love Reading about your hiking trips! Y'all cover a lot of mileage each day. I'm happy to hear that your mom is recovering and starting to get some mobility back. Fingers crossed for continued improvement. @AlphaHowls
  • May total: 12.1 miles YTD: 347.1/1200 miles 5/7: 2 miles 5/8: 1.9 miles 5/9: 2.4 miles 5/11: 3.5 miles 5/12: 2.3 miles Quick treadmill run today. We got home from the camping trip, got everything unloaded and cleaned. We are going out with my in-laws for an early dinner for mother's Day so squeezed in a run before…
  • May total: 9.8 miles YTD: 344.8/1200 miles 5/7: 2 miles 5/8: 1.9 miles 5/9: 2.4 miles 5/11: 3.5 miles I did 3 min run/1 min walk x 10 for this one. It was cooler this morning, upper 60s. Still humid, but 10 degrees cooler is 10 degrees cooler! It went totally fine. Avg pace 11:38. I'm going to have to ramp it up big time…
  • @chris_in_cal The streak is building! Keep it up. @kgirlhart Can't wait to hear about PK. I think you're going to have a great time. Hopefully the weather is good. @ContraryMaryMary Beautiful! My husband is tentatively planning a trip for the family to go see Northern lights next year. One of those bucket list trips.…
  • May total: 6.3 miles YTD: 341.3/1200 miles 5/7: 2 miles 5/8: 1.9 miles 5/9: 2.4 miles I went outside this morning. Totally brutal conditions, 77F and 97% humidity, but still easier than the elevation on the treadmill run yesterday. I did a 2 min run, 1 min walk for 30 minutes. It went ok so my next stop will be 3 min/1 min…
  • May total: 3.9 miles YTD: 338.9/1200 miles 5/7: 2 miles 5/8: 1.9 miles I'm back to running! Yesterday I found a treadmill workout that used a 1-minute walk 1 minute run interval. That one felt really good. I felt energized for the rest of the day. Breathing wasn't an issue. Overall a success. Today I also did a treadmill…
  • @Scott6255 I hate to hear that running has lost its joy for you. Taking some time off may be exactly what you need and I really hope to see you back here again.
  • Still no running but I think I'm getting close. My sense of smell and taste started coming back yesterday and my chest is feeling looser. Not totally normal but headed in the right direction. We've had lots of storms the last couple of days with almost 10in of rain so I've been walking on the treadmill. There was quite a…
  • @Laurz9191 Good luck on your HM! You're doing great @katrose1985 keep it up!
  • The best laid plans, eh @TheMrWobbly. Despite your plans not working out, you did a great job! You should be as proud of yourself as your family seems. A marathon is such a challenge!! I enjoyed your race report. London sounds like a good experience race. Welcome @katrose1985!
  • Same. Still feeling some airway irritation in my chest and some stuffiness. Overall I feel decent, just not improving at the rate I’d like. I talked with my parents and both said it was a couple of weeks before things really got better. Fingers crossed. Still can’t smell or taste anything. To that end, I hesitate to set a…
  • I feel a lot better today and I was able to sleep well last night. I haven't had any meds today with just a little stuffiness hanging on. The coughing is also getting better but not totally gone. However, my sense of smell has slowly dwindled throughout the day. I was hoping I wouldn't get this particular symptom but no…
  • @ContraryMaryMary Absolutely stunning photos! Such a beautiful spot for a race. Congrats! @AlphaHowls All the internet hugs for you and your mom. Things seem very hard right now and I hope they get better soon.
  • After trying to go for a second walk yesterday and only making in half a mile, I was happy that I felt well enough today to try again. When I walked last night, the fatigue kicked in hard and I noticed my chest feeling kind of constricted when I tried to take a deep breath. I've been mostly sitting in bed, binge watching…
  • Well, I finally caught COVID. I managed to dodge it for 4 years but I knew it would catch up to me eventually.
  • Checking in and getting caught up with everyone. I haven't run since the 10 miler. I had plans but a couple days after I got home I came down with the my first illness since 2019. I used to catch colds a few times a year from patients and occasionally something my kid would bring home from school but with us still masking…
  • April total: 62.2 miles YTD: 335/1200 miles 4/2: 5.7 miles 4/3: 3 miles 4/6: 8 miles 4/8: 3.3 miles 4/10: 6.5 miles 4/11: 3 miles 4/13: 7 miles 4/15: 3 miles 4/17: 3 miles 4/19: 3.2 miles 4/20: 6.3 miles 4/21: 10.2 miles The theme for the challenge was Stitch's 'Ohana Challenge so I went for Hawaiian themed running clothes…
  • Congrats @daria0919! Heat and humidity do a number on me too. You did great!!
  • April total: 52 miles YTD: 324.8/1200 miles 4/2: 5.7 miles 4/3: 3 miles 4/6: 8 miles 4/8: 3.3 miles 4/10: 6.5 miles 4/11: 3 miles 4/13: 7 miles 4/15: 3 miles 4/17: 3 miles 4/19: 3.2 miles 4/20: 6.3 miles Adventure is Out There 10k this morning with my friend. She did great! She used to do triathlon but has fallen off the…
  • @AlphaHowls Sorry to hear about your mom but so grateful your neighbor was aware and got a hold of you as quickly as they did.
  • April total: 45.7 miles YTD: 318.5/1200 miles 4/2: 5.7 miles 4/3: 3 miles 4/6: 8 miles 4/8: 3.3 miles 4/10: 6.5 miles 4/11: 3 miles 4/13: 7 miles 4/15: 3 miles 4/17: 3 miles 4/19: 3.2 miles 5k done! Yep, hot and humid but not as bad as the last few days back home. And it's a short run. I will be bringing salt tabs tomorrow…
  • The shirt and mug are amazing @7lenny7! "I cried a little" had me laughing! Sums it up pretty well.
  • Happy birthday @kgirlhart!! Good luck on your 10k @daria0919!! Probably smart to take an extra day @7lenny7. The recovery for 100 miles is significant! Enzo's hideaway. It's small and tucked under the entrance to a bridge. It's supposed to be kind of a speakeasy style. It feels intimate and the food is more Italian than…
  • April total: 42.5 miles YTD: 315.3/1200 miles 4/2: 5.7 miles 4/3: 3 miles 4/6: 8 miles 4/8: 3.3 miles 4/10: 6.5 miles 4/11: 3 miles 4/13: 7 miles 4/15: 3 miles 4/17: 3 miles Even hotter yesterday morning. First sports bra run of the year. I just got to FL and am eating lunch before heading to packet pickup. Then my…
  • Good luck @TheMrWobbly !!
  • I also have an unusual last name. Well, an unusual spelling of a not unusual name. There is no Martaindale society though. As far as we know, my family are the only Martaindales. So I guess it's a society meeting every time we get together. And, totally amazing race @7lenny7!! Your race reports are so good. Really give me…
  • April total: 39.5 miles YTD: 312.3/1200 miles 4/2: 5.7 miles 4/3: 3 miles 4/6: 8 miles 4/8: 3.3 miles 4/10: 6.5 miles 4/11: 3 miles 4/13: 7 miles 4/15: 3 miles Hot and humid miles in the dark. This is about what I expect for the races this weekend. Slow and steady it is. My friend will be walk-running the 10k and I'm…
  • Yay! Congrats on a new PR and a well run race @Laurz9191 Amazing views @Teresa502 Nice looking shoes @tarun_yadavA. I would have done the same thing and held off for dryer conditions. No point in waterlogging such a pretty new pair of shoes!!
  • April total: 36.5 miles YTD: 309.3/1200 miles 4/2: 5.7 miles 4/3: 3 miles 4/6: 8 miles 4/8: 3.3 miles 4/10: 6.5 miles 4/11: 3 miles 4/13: 7 miles Longish run today. I managed to get out the door before it got hot so it was a pretty pleasant run. It’s warming up this week and it will be pretty toasty this weekend for the…
  • I would vote tank top. Compression vs short socks are such a personal preference. Temps seem pretty nice but will feel warm after several miles. Good luck!!