martaindale Member


  • Jan total 54.7/110 miles YTD: 54.7 miles 1/1: 5.9 miles 1/3: 4.4 miles 1/4: 10.4 miles 1/6: 5.4 miles 1/8: 4.4 miles 1/9: 6.5 miles 1/10: 4.4 miles 1/11: 13.3 miles Long run today. My knee started hurting again about mile 6 and I had to walk a while. When I got moving again I found going a tad faster was more comfortable.…
  • Jan total 41.4/110 miles YTD: 41.4 miles 1/1: 5.9 miles 1/3: 4.4 miles 1/4: 10.4 miles 1/6: 5.4 miles 1/8: 4.4 miles 1/9: 6.5 miles 1/10: 4.4 miles Easy run after work yesterday. It was pretty windy, which was awesome in a tail wind when you caught it the right way! I usually do my long run Saturday am but I have to work…
  • @chris_in_cal Been meaning to ask you how things are in your area? I couldn’t remember where you lived relative to the LA fires. A woman I work with has relatives in Altadena and they lost 2 family homes. You see snippets on the news but they tend to focus on the big money areas like Malibu.
  • @Laurz9191 Mmmm, peanut butter! @quilteryoyo The snow is so pretty! While I like the cold, I don’t love snow. It’s pretty to look at but cold and wet sucks and even though I’m younger than @Teresa502 I worry about slipping and falling on hidden ice. @Emilienewme @Teresa502 I also can’t run in a beanie. Ear cover all the…
  • Jan total 37/110 miles YTD: 37 miles 1/1: 5.9 miles 1/3: 4.4 miles 1/4: 10.4 miles 1/6: 5.4 miles 1/8: 4.4 miles 1/9: 6.5 miles Interval workout today. 7 x 3:00. It was cold and a little windy. The first 2 were into a headwind so they felt harder and were a tad slower than target but the last several were spot on once the…
  • Jan total 30.5/110 miles YTD: 30.5 miles 1/1: 5.9 miles 1/3: 4.4 miles 1/4: 10.4 miles 1/6: 5.4 miles 1/8: 4.4 miles Pre-work run in the dark. It was about 30F and crisp. It was enjoyable. I am loving the cold. I know some of my fellow Texans are over it. I also went to Pilates yesterday. Working on the consistency.
  • I have some cheap ones I bought on Amazon. They are enough to keep my fingers from freezing until I get the blood pumping. I usually take them off after a couple of miles anyway.
  • Jan total 26.1/110 miles YTD: 26.1 miles 1/1: 5.9 miles 1/3: 4.4 miles 1/4: 10.4 miles 1/6: 5.4 miles Forgot to post this yesterday. We also got the cold front but no snow or ice so far and not nearly as cold as most of you. We will have lows around 30 and highs in the 40's for most of this week, which is cold enough for…
  • I'm doing a Garmin plan, coach Amy. It's 5 days a week already so I'd either have to ignore her plan for a day or add a 6th. I don't think a 6th day is in the cards. My work schedule has changed so 5 days is about all I can manage. @mari333a Condolences. I hope your family is doing ok. @tarun_yadavA Sounds like a good idea…
  • Jan total 20.7/110 miles YTD: 20.7 miles 1/1: 5.9 miles 1/3: 4.4 miles 1/4: 10.4 miles Went to the spring creek greenway trail for my long run. And wore my springy new shoes. So nice! The easy pace Garmin chose is getting easier, to the point that I have to try to stay slow enough. That's encouraging. I'm hoping this plan…
  • Jan total 10.3/110 miles YTD: 10.3 miles 1/1: 5.9 miles 1/3: 4.4 miles Short run after work today. It was nice today. I went to the neighborhood trail. Yesterday I went to Pilates. My husband even came along. Really going to try to build some consistency with Pilates.
  • @yirara Just a little light running a week before I was supposed to. 😂 Sounds like a runner to me! Glad you are recovering well and felt ok during your run despite what sounds like very cold temps. @WarmJellyfish your definition of fun and mine are different. The thought of crazy laps has me going 😵‍💫
  • Jan total 5.9/110 miles YTD: 5.9 miles 1/1: 5.9 miles Beautiful weather this morning! Low 40s with low humidity. Perfect conditions for a speed workout. Garmin had 3 min intervals scheduled. The workout went really well, and I was hitting the pace more easily today. Conditions? Fitness? New shoes? Maybe a little bit of…
  • Welcome @stevenb6462! Jump right in! We'd love to hear a little about what brings you here and what your goals are. @katharmonic Good to see you! I also have a treadmill with ifit and really like it. I mostly use it during the summer but the guided runs in interesting places makes it so much easier! @SummerSkier I forgot…
  • @Laurz9191 Congrats on the new PR 🎉 So glad your race went well!
  • I'll tell you in case she doesn't revisit the December thread. Crazy laps are run in her basement (pretty sure) or even in hospital rooms a couple of times this year. So many laps!!
  • 10k?? I haven't been to college station in years but I went to school there so it will be a homecoming for me!
  • My goal is to stick to my plan. Since I can't see more than 1 week in advance, I'm gonna guess 110 miles. That's roughly where I was in December. Change: My diet. Parts of it. I have actually kept up the meal prep habit and my meals are fine. I find myself eating more sweets over the past year and that is a hard habit to…
  • Dec total: 109.1 miles YTD: 1063.1/1200 miles (1068.6 on Strava - idk, probably a math error somewhere in the year) 12/2: 4.4 miles 12/3: 4.4 miles 12/4: 3.9 miles 12/7: 10.4 miles 12/8: 5.4 miles 12/11: 4.4 miles 12/12: 5 miles 12/13: 3.4 miles 12/14: 7.4 miles 12/16: 6.1 miles 12/18: 4.9 miles 12/20: 3 miles 12/21: 10.4…
  • Congrats @tarun_yadavA! Got it done and on vacation no less!! @AlphaHowls I have a friend who uses nerve flossing for a neck/shoulder nerve impingement and has had really good results. Also knew some climbers that used some of those types of maneuvers when they had elbow problems. So, small sample size but seems effective…
  • Let's do college station! I haven't done that race before and it's part way between the two of us. Anyone else want to join?
  • Got caught up on everything I think. Great race report @quilteryoyo! Sounds like the race organizers are slowly working the kinks out. Congrats on the PB! @Avidkeo Broken leg!?! I'm so sorry to hear that. Pls keep us posted. Glad to see you back @chris_in_cal! @tarun_yadavA Your trip looks like fun. Except for the night…
  • Dec total: 73.1 miles YTD: 1027.1/1200 miles 12/2: 4.4 miles 12/3: 4.4 miles 12/4: 3.9 miles 12/7: 10.4 miles 12/8: 5.4 miles 12/11: 4.4 miles 12/12: 5 miles 12/13: 3.4 miles 12/14: 7.4 miles 12/16: 6.1 miles 12/18: 4.9 miles 12/20: 3 miles 12/21: 10.4 miles Logging 2 runs again. Yesterday's was a quick run before work.…
  • @ContraryMaryMary So glad to hear you have been able to run pain free. @tarun_yadavA Mmmm fried plantains are the best! Enjoy your time in CR!! @SummerSkier I'm also enjoying the 40's! Feels like December finally!
  • Dec total: 59.7 miles YTD: 1013.7/1200 miles 12/2: 4.4 miles 12/3: 4.4 miles 12/4: 3.9 miles 12/7: 10.4 miles 12/8: 5.4 miles 12/11: 4.4 miles 12/12: 5 miles 12/13: 3.4 miles 12/14: 7.4 miles 12/16: 6.1 miles 12/18: 4.9 miles Logging 2 runs. Nothing remarkable about either. I missed my speed workout this week. Impromptu…
  • @tarun_yadavA You had a really rough day! Why does it seem like when 1 thing goes wrong, everything goes wrong? Also, it's so annoying that new cars rarely come with a spare anymore. @quilteryoyo Can't wait to hear about your race! Cute Airbnb. My biggest fan was Gary, whose MFP handle I can't remember right now. When I…
  • Dec total: 48.7 miles YTD: 1002.7/1200 miles 12/2: 4.4 miles 12/3: 4.4 miles 12/4: 3.9 miles 12/7: 10.4 miles 12/8: 5.4 miles 12/11: 4.4 miles 12/12: 5 miles 12/13: 3.4 miles 12/14: 7.4 miles Logging 2 runs this morning. I ran a short one before work yesterday then left straight from work to go camping. I'm at another park…
  • Dec total: 37.9 miles YTD: 991.9/1200 miles 12/2: 4.4 miles 12/3: 4.4 miles 12/4: 3.9 miles 12/7: 10.4 miles 12/8: 5.4 miles 12/11: 4.4 miles 12/12: 5 miles It was just above freezing this morning so I waited a couple of hours and headed out once it was closer to 40F. Beautiful morning with clear skies. Speed repeats, 7 x…
  • Dec total: 32.9 miles YTD: 986.9/1200 miles 12/2: 4.4 miles 12/3: 4.4 miles 12/4: 3.9 miles 12/7: 10.4 miles 12/8: 5.4 miles 12/11: 4.4 miles Easy run after work yesterday evening. We had a short cold front so even in the afternoon it’s still nice out. Mostly unremarkable run. I am noticing my easy pace is getting quicker…
  • @tarun_yadavA My teen also is into scary movies. Some, like silence of the lambs, I like. The ones that are more about jump scares or are super gory aren’t my thing. I liked them more when I was younger but don’t enjoy feeling that way now. Good luck @quilteryoyo. Sounds like you’re getting out of town at a good time!