Smrity Member


  • I keep worrying about the LO's nutrition but I guess high carb / sugar food isn't helping either of us! I guess savoury rice porridge can be added with fish, chicken or eggs for a nutritious, filling, moderate calorie meal with a lot of water. Thanks for the idea.
    in Baby Weight Comment by Smrity July 2015
  • Hi Dawnie, Thank you for your response and tips. It is my first baby and I feel a little less anxious now that you've mentioned there are others who gain weight despite the breastfeeding (because everyone keeps saying breastfeeding is godsend to lose the extra weight). It is still early days, I need to get back into the…
    in Baby Weight Comment by Smrity July 2015
  • Hi, my baby is now coming to 6 weeks and I have actually managed to gain weight over the last 6 weeks despite breastfeeding but that is probably due to the junk I have been eating as cooking has been a massive challenge. I am still recovering from the delivery and have restrictions on exercise. I am feeling blue and…
    in Baby Weight Comment by Smrity July 2015