Killerdolphin_9 Member


  • I am 5'2 and I weigh 183.6 as of this morning. I started at 190.5 two weeks ago. And 3 weeks ago I was 196. I only ate about 750 calories today because I didn't eat breakfast. Which has been a bad habit lately, but normally I can get up to about 1200 with little snacks throughout the day. I usually do exercises that target…
  • 1200 has been seeming to do okay for me on some days and some days not okay. Some days I only eat about 1000 on accident. But I don't want to force myself to eat a bunch of extra food if I'm not hungry. That's my concern
  • It didn't give me the option to pick a date. I really am ok if it takes a while as long as I lose it safely. It didn't even give me the option to say what my goal weight was. It simply said "You should weigh between 101-136lbs. Eat this many calories to lose weight."
  • I went to and it said I should be eating between 1250 and 1450 calories a day to lose weight and now I'm even more confused