banannerbelle Member


  • Egg whites! I love omelets with 1 egg and 4-6 oz. egg whites, sauteed veggies or broccoli, salsa, and sometimes cheese. I usually pair this with a sweet potato for breakfast. Or lunch or dinner, sometimes even multiple times a day- I love 'em! Also great for making low calorie, high-protein wraps and baked goods, and…
  • 'Sketi squash is the best! In addition to using it like noodles, I love it with curry or in stir-fry. In fact, lunch today is curry soup with chicken and spaghetti squash.
  • Tuna with pasta or spaghetti squash (my preference), broccoli, other veg if you want, and a little bit of alfredo sauce. Mmmm. My mom used to make tuna noodle casserole all the time: noodles, mixed frozen vegetables, cream of mushroom soup, tuna, salt and pepper. She'd just stir it all up in a pot and serve, but you can…
  • Whey protein mixed with whatever you do/don't want; Shakeology.
  • There are so many temptations at work! I try to bring healthier treats to have around and especially on days when I know there will be sweets at work. Fruit, yogurt with peanut butter powder and bananas, granola bars I make myself, nuts. Canned fruit or fruit sauce is a nice treat and keeps forever in the desk drawer,…
  • I'd say you're on the right track with nut butters, protein pow, ice cubes, yogurt. Some Greek yogurts can pack 200+ calories a cup! Cinnamon (can help regulate insulin!) and cocoa powder for low-carb flavorings, and even though it looks weird, spinach and greens can add in nutrients and thicken it up a bit. Coconut and…
  • I hear ya! Especially with all the snacks and stuff people bring into work around the holidays. What's the stupidest animal in the jungle? The Polar Bear.
  • Keep a piece or two as a reminder of your progress, then donate the rest- someone else will really appreciate them! Any of the really raggedy ones you can cut up to use as rags around the house.
  • Thank you for this! I have been maintaining, but it's clear my body isn't very happy about the amount I'm eating and I've also increased my physical activity, so I've upped the calories by 100 again (I'm also thinking that the only reason I've been maintaining at these calories is because my clever body is slowing down my…
  • Take it step-wise and focus on the positive! This is all about loving yourself and living better, so be gentle and kind- you deserve that from yourself! Where you're going matters so much more than where you were and more than where you are: If you do more today than you did yesterday, you're on your way. Set small,…
  • Eat lots of lean protein and veggies; for carbs, eat mostly unrefined veggie-based or complex starches. And lift like a beast.
  • How healthy you are and how you feel is what matters most! Definitely have fun with indulgent foods, but I'd focus on foods that are nutritious rather than sugary and processed calories. I agree, increase calories slowly! Try cooking with healthy, calorie-rich oils: avocado, sesame, coconut, olive. Steel-cut oatmeal is…
  • Steak and eggs or egg whites, chicken, shakshuka/eggs in purgatory, poached cod. I've started thinking outside of the American box of sweet/carbed-up breakfasts, and that's helped a lot. Chicken soup for breakfast? Sure! Veggies at breakfast are the best! The fiber/protein combo helps keep me feeling full and energized.…
  • Try not to fill your caloric requirement with awful, sugary and refined junk foods: there are healthful foods you can try that pack in a lot of calories, a lot of nutrients, and none of the stuff that will make you sick. Your body will thank you! Try: avocados, nuts and seeds, unprocessed nut and seed butters, cooking with…
  • I love this whole thread and concept! Thank you! I can do the silly wake-up "aerobic exercise" songs with my campers, no problem! I -like- to move! Other people at the gym notice differences (a little embarassing and intimidating but it's also nice). The bikini I bought to reward myself for losing some weight, is now too…
  • 1200 a day IS hard. I've been aiming for 12-13 hundred a day, and some days it feels ok and I have trouble taking in all the food: other days it feels like such a tiny amount and I end up binge eating to make up for it. A diet you can succeed at and sustain will get you better results in the long run. Mindful eating is…