kilbyrunning Member


  • 20lbs or 200lbs, weight is hard to lose. It's actually physically harder to lose when you're closer to your ideal BMI. From a fellow 20lb loser, I'm rooting for you!
  • Give me a few years and I'll be a British citizen. Moving back to the UK with my British husband in a few weeks! Add me if you like.
  • Truth! I could fast for ages, but as soon as I take that first bite, all self-control goes out the door. Also for me, when I don't want to do what I should be doing, I use eating as a delay or transition. Not drinking enough water makes me want to eat more. And I take out my emotional frustration with food. Accountability…
  • If you don't drink coffee or tea, start! Try them black, or with a little milk, but no sugar. Then, replace all your sodas with sparkling water! If you can't handle the taste of regular sparkling water, add in some fresh herbs, fruits, or veggies like cucumber to give it some flavour. You can even do that with regular…