trademom15 Member


  • Female – 5’6” – 55 years old – 173.4 start weight / 155 goal weight 10/25: 173.4 better control over evening eating 10/26: 173.2 really tired and broke open son’s cookies 10/27: 173.2 dinner with friends so trying to plan to have a few extra calories for the end of the day. Very excited to start joint accountability with…
  • Female: 5'6' Age: 55 Joining you all today. Hoping to have more discipline in my eating, especially in the evenings. Goal is to get to 158" 10/25: 173.4 better control over evening eating 10/26: 173.2 really tired and broke open son’s cookies 10/27: 173.2 dinner with friends so trying to plan to have a few extra calories…