lizwooshy Member


  • Drink free today! I ate way too much Halloween candy at work to even think about having a beer.
  • This is usually my strategy. If I have a couple hundred calories left after dinner I will weigh out a serving of ice cream (lately bunny tracks, 140 cals per half cup) and savor every bite. However, today was my work Halloween party and I ate 3 cookies and a few mini chocolates. This left me with less calories than usual…
  • Unfortunately I had two beers last night. Today is a new day!
  • Hello. I am incredibly sorry for your loss. My sister in law has been through a still birth and several miscarriages and lately she has found solice in going on nightly walks and taking it one day at a time. Best of luck, and take it easy on yourself!
  • To be fair, I was getting over a sore throat and a cold for most of the week, so that made it easy to avoid the booze haha. I plan on having a few drinks tonight, but I also am committing to going to the gym and food prepping tomorrow. Balance?
  • Mon-thurs :). Have enjoyed two beers tonight
  • Late to it, but here are my stats: Weight as of September 1st- 161 lbs. Weight as of today (Oct 23)- 152 lbs Desired weight by New Years-142
  • My suggestion would be to replace your habit of drinking wine/ munching while cooking dinner with snacking on things that are nutrient dense and low cal. My go-tos are carrots, cucumbers, or sliced raw bell peppers. You could munch on cucumbers for the duration of cooking and eat 20 calories or less :)
  • I would suggest perusing your local goodwill, thrift shops, and buy/sell/trade facebook groups if there are any in your area. You can usually buy pieces of weight sets for relatively cheap. Just a suggestion to build up your home gym if joining a gym isn't an option :)
  • Oops, just now seeing this Monday thread. Planning on treating my body nicely today in all fronts (food and beverage wise).
  • Monday I cracked and had two beers while watching the playoffs (sad Cardinals fan here). No drinks Tuesday or Wednesday. Tonight is my sisters rehearsal dinner and tomorrow is her wedding. Going to try and enjoy in moderation
  • You can do it! I am 5'5, started at 174 in late June and now weigh 153. It is possible! Just focus on your diet choices and if you can't exercise much try to go on at least a nightly walk :)
  • Good Job :) even slight cutbacks are helpful for weight loss and more importantly over all health. My SO only had two cocktails this week at my encouragement, which is much better than 2-3 beers a night which he was doing.
  • How did everyone do? Last night I had literally 1 sip of the Old Fashion that my SO made to taste it. Nothing besides that all week. Even abstained from opening the huge bottle of wine I bought for this weekend for my family who will be visiting.
  • 3 nights alcohol free :)
  • I will be joining this for October! Going to try to go Mon-Thursday (or a min of 4 days a week) without any alcohol. Have been slowly increasing my alcohol intake at night and I def notice the effect it has on my weight loss. No good
  • I am 5'5 and currently 157 (SW 174) and my original goal was 154. Now that I am close I am probably going to aim for 144 (30 pounds total) and that will also improve my BMI. I've been thinner before (125-135 through high school and college) but I feel as if 145 is an attainable, healthy weight.
  • I ordered 2 pairs of dress pants online; one size 8 that I was hoping would fit well in about a month, and one size 6 that would be my "goal" pants, maybe by thanksgiving. The 8s turned out to fit perfect, I will wear them Tuesday to work. and the 6s were still tight, but they zipped and fastened which is way more than I…