AcrylicSugar Member


  • Hi OP, I'm not a vegan but I do enjoy eating vegan foods. Do you have any recipes or go to blogs for recipes? I'm all about trying new things.
  • I just came back to see everyone's replies and I wanna say thank you again!!! Everyone's suggestions are really helping me, especially today.
  • Thanks for all the replies, you guys are so helpful! :smile: I never thought about bringing a protein bar to work. I'm going to try that tomorrow. I'm also going to cut up a bunch of veg for snacking, that way I'll have it ready for when I need it. The funny thing is, I have the veggies they're just not prepared. I think…
  • What I take to work is pretty healthy, like Greek yogurt, fruit, cottage cheese, veggie stir fry, and tomato sandwiches. When I get home I see to gravitate towards high fat/salt/sugar. Like chips, peanut butter, and sour cream with salt added. It's like I'm craving it but I don't know why. Discipline is definitely…
  • Huh, I now realize I've never had any of those monster cereals. It was always Cinnamon Toast Crunch to me. Or French toast crunch. :smile: What's your favorite cereal?