Thanks the 13 year old helps a lot. I guess I should add we also live on a small farm so there's that haha. These days my stress is money to repair the house and car on top of my 3 year old never stops talking LOL. I've gotten better but still have issues when things start piling up on me
Friend cheek kiss :)
Australian radio. Lol found an app that lets me tune in and it's a pretty good station.
If I were into girls sure.
Say hi is that guy bothering you because I'm a ninja and girls gotta watch out for each other lol
Needing to lose 10@ pounds add me and I'll motivate you!
I'm an emotional eater and have about 100 pounds to lose. I've found being on here helps a lot
I was the same way but you have to remind yourself that you are the one living your life and not them so you have to do what's best for you. Who cares what they think. Opinions are like buttholes. Everyone has one and most stink. Lol. For real though I wouldn't worry because you are out their working and doing something…
I did too. Was just one of those days. It's how you recover from the slip up that counts though. Tomorrow is a new day.
IT guy
Possibly. :)
I've got 120 pounds to lose to get to my weight I want. Would welcome friends
Just sent you a request. I'm back after a year. I'm an emotional eater so had to get some things straight so I could do good again
Would love new motivators. Need people to hold me to it so I can get back to being me. :)
Lol now that's funny.
Lol I'm laying in bed and it's dark so this is how my selfie turned out.
Great smile!
Hey I have a 2 year old and.n 11 year old. Would love to have other mommy friends.
I've been off and on but nipping this in the butt now. Good luck!!