YesVictor Member


  • Maybe you can try deleting the cookies of this site if you know how to do it? Or try to login with the app on the phone and see if that works. Good luck, hope you reach your goals.
  • You can do it, day by day. Message me anything if you feel bad or having a bad day, let's motivate each other.
  • To be honest, I just hate exercising. I'm doing a 1200 cal max a day week now and see if my motivation to 'move' picks up after that. Great job on the walking. Maybe just don't focus on how much cals you burned by walking but just think about it's just better for your body to walk. I will start next week with walking too,…
  • I just joined, so I'm looking for people for motivation and people who need motivation. If you feel you are failing talk about it and let me know if I can motivate you. Let's help each other in losing that darned weight. Hope you reach your goal. Good luck. Vic.