smileyahp Member


  • My nutritionist said that my fitness app low balls calories. Look it up online or see a nutritionist to get started. If you limit yourself to low amount you will give up. I did trying to stay under 1400 calories killed me. For my weight, age, height she said under 2000 and 20 or more minutes of exercise and I should lose.…
    in food plan Comment by smileyahp July 2015
  • Wow pictures look great, please share the recipes! I am always at a loss for the side items!
  • Thank you all, two things became apparent after reading the posts.... Lack of water and TOM, both of which were happening. Thank you all, it really helped! Now after the TOM, I haven't lost weight but I haven't gained so it's a positive! Today was a salty day, couldn't get enough, ate a whole bag of croutons before I knew…