nikky650 Member


  • I have heard off tapping to help all kinds of different thought patterns. I might give it a try. Try not to "ban" yourself completely from chocolate or that will be all you be able to think about. Try just buying a small square of dark chocolate once or twice a week. Have it with a cuppa and enjoy. Because you have only…
  • I use to hate having a big meal before I went to bed after a night shift. To combat this i would have "dinner" at 6 in the morning. I would find that by the time I was heading of to bed i would start to get a bit peckish. I found having a warm glass of soy milk just as i headed off to bed would help nick the hunger pangs…
  • I find if I do something with my hands it helps. I have recently started knitting. Its productive, i cant eat doing it and its better than being on my phone all the time.
  • Me too :) hi to other newbies. I am also an emotional eater and am reaching out for community support. I too have used fp before but never got onto the forums. I am hoping that the support of others going through a similar journey to me will help keep me focused and not feel so isolated. ☺
  • One of the best things i learnt about my emotional eating was that i wasn't quite on the auto pilot binge i thought I was. Once i started paying attention i could see the storm clouds brewing and do something other than stand in the kitchen.