salmabegum2007 Member


  • Are we suppose to write our weekly updates on there. If so, I was not able to type on it
  • Currents weight: 190 Goal weight: 150 August goal: 178 Focus on building stamina and strength through working out. I'm literally huffing and puffing at the moment, and thats just after 5mins of warm up!
  • Hi. My name is Salma. This app is new to me so please bare with me. I am 30 years old. Mother of 2. I live in Ilford, London. I have always been overweight my whole life. Finally decided to do something about it 5 years ago and managed to lose 5stones simply through diet and exercise. Sadly it's now crept back on but…
  • Hi everyone. I've just downloaded the app today. Started healthy eating and working out since yesterday. I am interested. Please bare with me as this is all new to me.