dukiewoman Member


  • I'm also up this week, but I'm down for the month. I think last week was a low outlier because I was a little dehydrated. I'm pleased with the overall downward trend! Starting weight: 178.4 Weigh-in #1: 176.4 Weigh-in #2: 173.8 Weigh-in #3: 175.2 Weigh-in #4: ?? August goal: 173-175
  • I weigh in on Fridays, so I'll be the first to report happy news: I'm down 2.6 pounds this week to 173.8. My August goal was to be at 173-175, so hooray! Im going to enjoy the end of my maternity leave, and stay active and hydrated.
  • I'm down 2 pounds from my initial weigh-in (178.4 to 176.4). My initial weigh-in was early, so that's about 2 weeks of progress. I was on vacation for a chunk of it, so I'm quite pleased!
  • I'm also breastfeeding - almost five months PP with my second child. The weight melted off with breastfeeding my oldest, but this time not so much. I'm going to add you all so we can support each other!
  • Current weight: 178 Overall Weight Goal: 160 August Weight Goal: 173-175 (I'm breastfeeding and should take things nice and slow) My goals for August are to lose 3-5 pounds, drink plenty of water, and exercise at least 5 times a week. I weigh in on Fridays, but the Aug. 7 weigh-in will have to happen Aug. 10 because I'll…
  • Hi everyone! I'm Sue from North Carolina. I have two girls, and I'd like to lose 15-20 pounds of baby weight. My youngest is 4 months and I'm breastfeeding, so I need to be careful to eat enough to continue to produce enough breastmilk. I have a desk job and can't get to a gym, so it's all about eating healthy and playing…
  • I'd also love some mom friends! I have two girls (2 and 4 months) and need to lose at least 15 pounds. I don't have a gym membership either. Please add me, too! :)
  • I'm a mom of two girls (2 and 4 months) and in my 30s. I need to lose 15 pounds to get back to pre-pregnancy weight. I work full time at a desk job, so I can use all the encouragement I can get!
  • I'm also new - my goal for this week is to get comfortable with the app, add some of my favorite recipes for easy tracking (I bake and cook from scratch a lot), try to track everything, and get my new fitbit synced (arriving tomorrow - I can't wait!). Oh, and lose weight. :)
  • Hi, I'm also new to MFP. I have two daughters - 2 year and 4 months. My weight melted off the first time, but is sticking around after this pregnancy. (Probably because I'm munching on all of the toddler meals!) I'm trying to lose 15 pounds before the end of the year.