jcorrea24 Member


  • Wow, it makes me feel better knowing there are others out there like me....I do so well all week and 5:00 Friday hits and the bottle of red wine gets opened! I'm really trying to plan things that don't enable me to drink on Friday and Saturday nights but it's hard for me. I have no desire to drink the rest of the week but…
  • I would love to participate!
  • I am also starting again and now have even more to lose. Feel free to add me so we can all do this together!
  • Anyone feel free to add me. Would love to have more friends that want to support and motivate each other!
  • My plan is to stay within my calorie range and cut carbs as much as possible. Absolutely no bread. I have also started P90X and on the days I do weights, will also do time on the treadmill.
  • Hello, I am a 48 year old mother of two with my 2nd heading to college this fall. I feel it is now time for me to work on myself and my goals. I have been gaining consistently for the past 2 years. I exercise but my eating and love of wine is what gets me in trouble. I have recently been at 155 and thought it couldn't get…
  • I am 48 and have been gaining weight at an alarming rate for the past couple of years. When I think it can't go any higher it does. I am determined to get healthy and my weight under control. I am hoping that when I get the urge to snack, I will instead come to MFP and have the support and encouragement to think about it…
  • I'm also 48 and freaked out when I got on the scale yesterday. I'm determined to get things under control and would love to give & receive support and motivation. Feel free to add me.