Its honesty amazing how many of us there are out there and its hardly talked about. And when it is...other people get this idea it's only cysts. We have to work 10 times harder. We have to be aware almost all the times. We also know our bodies better than anyone else too. So do what's best for you. And if someone or dr isβ¦
I was diagnosed when I was 13 with a softball size cyst. And was on birth control for most of my life.I got very very lucky to have my girls.its hard to find a good balance between everything we put into our bodies and also with exercise. I noticed when I pushed myself too hard my cycles and hormones would go bat sh**β¦
Oh and also pcos is considered as a endocrine disorder where your body produces too many androgen hormones among other things..And shows its ugly face in different ways than others. Some it can just be one or two symptoms...cysts, extra hair, weight gain, painful menstrual cycles (mine would last for 100 days+ or none atβ¦
I was having horrible hair loss with a few bald patches in the front of my head and cystic acne that was extremely painful and I really didnt want to get on accutane. In other words it helps with hairloss/growth acne and water weight. Its supposed to be similar to taking metformin.So my dr prescribed a low dose. Rn I'mβ¦
Most definitely!!!! And thank You!!! The biggest thing I've learned over the years is adjusting from focusing on the weight/scale/inches to the thought process of okay I'm doing this to be healthier and stronger. Learning to love the body I'm in bc the whole I'm going to fit into those skinny Jean's, crop top, or dress. Iβ¦