gummybears700 Member


  • I think having a few fast days could reset ur appetite thermostat which would just end up helping u eat less without even trying. I'm considering doing the 5:2 diet for a month just to get that reset so i can stop counting my calories but still eat below my maintenance, cos logging everyday just gets on my nerves and the…
  • everyone is different and functions differently. as long as you have energy and you're full, it's probably a good number
  • i usually have the maccas warm grilled chicken salad, it comes in at $8 a serve and 140 cals approx. it's not the most filling meal, but that topped with half a large diet soda and eating barely anything that day, i was pretty halfway through :)
  • i usually have an egg and a banana, but sometimes just a banana, sometimes that plus almonds
  • i use a social event as a cheat meal, but i just consciously cut back on portion sizes and make sure im only eating enough so that im not full, whether that be two three bites of a rich chocolate dessert or a quarter of a burger. and oh yes, even though its the worse thing ever for me, i drink diet coke or coke zero…
  • 10 days isnt enough time. if you want to cut sugar completely and not miss it, maybe 3 months? but the one issue i find with cutting sugar is that it also leaves you famished after a long social event, especially when people bring food to share because there is absolutely nothing you can actually eat. but i guess if you…
  • no matter what the studies show, the chemicals can't be good for you. all chemicals do is stuff up your body, why do you think processed good are condemned by the health food industry so much? but i guess a diet soda on the occasion is acceptable, everything in moderation, and stick to water :)