JennyRandall1 Member


  • You can do it! I'm a mother of 2, stepmom of 2 more. There's nothing worse than bad self esteem to effect the other aspects of your life. I started out by walking everyday (ok almost everyday) with my friend. We started walking 5k's in less than an hour. Just that alone and staying under my calorie limit I've shed a few…
  • I agree. I get so tired of doing the same thing everyday as per workout regime. Try something new like Pilates, I love pilates, it's nothing to get your heart rate up but it'll tone for sure. You'll be feeling it the next day. I found a few pilates videos on youtube that I like.
  • I found a lot of videos on Youtube I like, some 3lb dumbells and some arm workout videos that are only 12 minutes long, I found a good pilates video I can do the whole video. I find videos like insanity and T25 and P90x are just so high intensity that I burn out in 10 minutes and I move onto something else. I've started…
  • Yep, that's my big thing is I want to see results right away. I can definitely see a difference in how my body looks, although 3lbs doesn't seem like much. What kind of workout regime do you plan on doing?
  • Hi Kelly! Take it slow, I myself have a tendency to jump right in and do really intense workouts and burn myself out and then fall off the wagon. I'm taking it a lot slower but I'm going steady almost 3 weeks now with 3 solid lbs down.
  • Hey, I'm a mom of 2 (youngest is 3 year old) and step mom of 2 more. Needless to say I have a busy household and I've slowly gained weight over the past 2 years that I was tired of having around. I'm almost 3 weeks in and I've lost 3lbs or more (I think my initial weigh-in was 4-5lbs off). What kind of exercise regime are…