Movingalong75 Member


  • I would like to be added. I have lost 11.6 lbs so far but need to lose 100 lbs more.
  • I would appreciate being added as I need the support. I am 62 and weigh 255.6. It’s a little overwhelming as I need to lose 105.6 lbs. I need to be accountable to someone instead of doing it myself. Exercise is difficult for me as I need a knee replacement but they won’t do it unless I lose at least 40 pounds first. I know…
  • I am starting over as well. I have 100 lbs to lose and it feels overwhelming. Trying to stay motivated has been a challenge. I'm trying to figure out how to best exercise since I have a desk job and have issues with my knees. I think I'll try to take my calorie allotment for the day and break it down to per meal and snack.…