anvillanuev Member


  • Breakfast is very important. You can use the website. It's the academy of nutrition and dietetics website, as well as an evidence based resource. There's tons of free information!
  • Current Weight: 190 Overall Goal: 160 August Goal: 180 Continue working out 5-6x per week!
  • I have a question, why are you choosing to intake so much protein?
  • Hi everyone! My name is Anjelica and I'm 25. I have a degree in Nutrition and currently doing my dietetic internship. I've been following a pescatarian diet for almost 3 years now. I grew up playing sports and being very active all until about 17 years old. In high school I weighed about 175 (I'm 5"6). After high school I…
  • Im in too! First time, should be fun!