katcoram Member


  • I'm thinking about swimming for liss but at the moment I'm just walking on the beach xx
  • That's great!! I've never needed the pre training before but I'm guessing a spell of bad food, Glastonbury festival and alcohol have made me more unfit than I realised! I've got a year to get in shape so may as well take it slow by doing the pre-training! How's everyone getting on?? Xx
  • Has anyone got the pre training they could send me via email? I've looked and I haven't got it and I can't seem to find it online..? Am I being daft? I think I'm better off going sloooow ! Xxx
  • Hello ladies! So I did first day on Saturday, which I've done a load of times before but.. I went to hard and hy crap !!!! I I've totally destroyed my legs
  • Ahh I haven't done the pre-training before.. I did the first day yesterday though (legs & cardio) holy crap I can hardly walk today
  • Hello! I'm starting BBG today ( I've started it soo many times before and only ever got to week 4 ) this time in DETERMINED to see it through! Has anyone else starting today/ recently? I need help keeping on track! :# I'm 5'3 and 8st 3 - not looking to loose weight but want to tighten up & get fit for my wedding next year…