AnnPT77 Member


  • Chick-Fil-A's nutrition guide has separate entries for "Spicy Southwest Salad w/ Toppings" and "Spicy Southwest Salad". Since the calories for the latter are much lower, that may be what you want. You can download the guide as a PDF at this link:…
  • It helps folks help you if you say what version of MFP you're using, i.e., whether it's the phone/tablet app (and whether Apple or Android), or web browser MFP. I'll start with the phone/tablet app. I use Android. Some functions are different between Apple and Android, but I think this one should be very similar or exact.…
  • DIY mail order Semaglutide (with the "Ladies, put down your glass of wine" lead, besides), the "Titanium Lympunclog Wristband Pro" that explodes fat cells, and so many more! Unbelievable. (I'm so glad I started this thread. 🤣🤣🤣 It has become everything I'd hoped for.) Some few years back, that reportedly really was a…
  • Putting on 10kg in 2 years implies that you've been eating on average roughly about 105 calories daily above your weight maintenance calories. That's the calorie equivalent of one tablespoon of peanut butter or a big blop of creamy salad dressing. Not both, one of those. Or a slice of hearty bread. Or maybe a bit less than…
  • Did you read this thread? There's a whole list of calorie-dense foods in there, quite a few of which also deliver some decent nutrition, not just calories. Also, for shakes, consider protein powders marketed specifically as…
  • Hello and welcome! In case you haven't already seen it, this thread might help you identify some calorie-efficient protein sources you don't already have in regular rotation: Another…
    in Intro Comment by AnnPT77 May 6
  • I prefer to work out in a rowing shell on the river (at a rowing club), or on a bike on the trail system. When I can't do that (serious Winters here), I mostly work out at home. I don't have anything against gyms. It's more about going certain places to do certain activities. Obvious example: I don't have a pool, so if I…
    in Gym or Home Comment by AnnPT77 May 6
  • ButButBut . . . devices are not just about calories. I know it's just me being biased by my experience, but it kinda blows me away when people here speak as if that was their sole reason for existing. I used earlier generations of fitness tracker devices for over a decade as a fat (technically obese) and happy athlete,…
  • Many of us use Libra for Android. There are others. Sounds like OP has an Apple device, but I'm mentioning this in case other readers need it. I just looked in the Google Play Store. Search there suggests Happy Scale doesn't exist for Android through that mainstream route.
  • I'm not sure technical terms ("overweight", "obese", "high body fat", "would benefit from weight loss", etc.) would necessarily land lots more gently for anyone and everyone who's sensitive about their weight, though. I absolutely can understand feeling hurt by "big", especially in an inappropriate context to mention body…
  • IMO, if they're harvesting content here to post elsewhere, that's maybe not all bad: Higher quality crop here than in most of the blogosphere. :D I still wonder if OP was . . . like 15, or something. Maybe not. But.
    in My gf Comment by AnnPT77 May 6
  • For a woman who has monthly cycles, and maybe for most people, IMO a week is really not long enough to be sure. If loss gradually tapered off to nothing, that's one scenario: More likely the person may be at maintenance calories. If loss was going on at a good clip and stopped suddenly, I think it's more likely the scale…
  • Macros don't need to be exactly exact every single day. Pretty close on average over a few days is fine. If you're persistently very low on protein, that's IMO a problem from a nutrition and health standpoint. I'd suggest chipping away at improving your routine eating habits so that that falls into place in the longer run.…
  • I'm not a Disney-ite, so with apologies I have no advice there. But yes, I do have days when I track more loosely, and occasionally not at all. (I try not to do that as a way to hide overages from myself! :D It's more like days where I'd be estimating wildly anyway, or things are super-busy.) That's in maintenance, though.…
  • @glassyo, I know you're a long-timer here so you know the basics. The only thing I can think of is to ask whether these are both heart rate measuring devices, and if so whether there's a difference there in how your heart rate range is set, or how the devices measure it? (I'm particularly wondering about the Garmin on your…
  • Hi, All - How's it going, everyone? @ridiculous59, has your dragon boat team been on the water yet? We've had some nice weather here, and some of my friends have rowed already, but I haven't yet. I think the group I coordinate will get on the water soon (as soon as I get my act together to coordinate schedules,…
    in 60 yrs and up Comment by AnnPT77 May 6
  • Eating only 800 calories a day? Yup, that'll help you lose some muscle and quite a bit of fat over the next 3 weeks and 6 days, probably impair your workout performance, and very likely sap your energy. If you want to lose a little over a kg of fat a week, you need a little over 1100 calories daily deficit, i.e., 1100…
  • I love that part so much, @drmwc. :)
  • I think everyone needs to find their own reason to commit, the spark that lights the fire. That tends to be quite individual. For me, the main two, maybe three, were: 1. I had high cholesterol, didn't want to take a statin. I figured I'd already given up enough cognitive bandwidth to chemotherapy, and brain fog is a…
  • If 95kg isn't extremely overweight for you (since you don't mention your height, sex, or build), then recomposition - the formal term for "same weight, more muscle" - might be a reasonable route. Tom is right: It's not fast. But it can be right for some people. There's a thread here in the Community about it:…
  • This thread here in the Community might offer some helpful ideas: Probably obvious, but it's also fine to use a good-quality protein powder or bars to reach your protein goals,…
  • I think this thread here in the Community might help you: It helped me. Also, while it's always good (and IMO tastier) to get nutrients from food, it's fine to use protein powder or…
  • I don't disagree with the above, but IMO context also matters, and you haven't given us much context. Mainly, I'd want to understand what the person's intentions were, and the situation in which it was said. If something like that is said in private by someone close to the person, out of concerns for that person's health,…
  • As an aside, @nadia22f1818, that was not TMI. (We talk about constipation and similar stuff here often: It's just part of the territory.) Also, it wasn't a dumb question, either. The only dumb questions are ones people don't ask, that end up being stumbling blocks for them. Sure, the occasional person here might make a…
  • Work on the insulin resistance (IR). There's more to it than how many meals per day a person eats, and that may not even be the biggest helpful thing. Also, IR can be a symptom of a larger pattern, other aspects of which are also sub-optimal for health, so that's another reason to focus there. I know it's a thing we hear a…
  • If you want to make a feature suggestion, here is the place to post it: The MFP staff read that section. They don't commonly read every other post in the Community. With apologies, I have no idea what capabilities MFP has for syncing sleep data.…
  • Not doing that in the middle of a crowded coffee shop where I was reading MFP over solo breakfast. :D
  • I think that's complicated. Fermented (raw, unpasteurized) pickles have probiotics (yay!) but probably lots of salt (maybe boo!). Vinegar pickles may have moderate salt, but unless raw vinegar and unpasteurized, no particular natural probiotics. It is a vegetable, though. And like you, I like 'em. In my case, I like the…