AnnPT77 Member


  • Mission accomplished. Here it is, looking more shiny and pristine than it ever will again in its lifetime: It's a 2024 Honda CRV Sport Hybrid (AWD). My car "philosophy", if that's a thing, is to buy new and keep for a long time. I'm no mechanic, so I'm reassured by knowing that what I'm driving hasn't been abused or…
  • I'm sorry, I don't understand. Can you provide more information? Maybe a clearer statement of what your goal is, and what you've tried that hasn't worked? Without meaning to offend, I'm wondering if maybe English is not your first language. If that's true, maybe you could write in a language you're more comfortable using,…
  • Some of my general strategies: * Figure out ways to make a sensibly moderate calorie deficit easier to live with, rather than trying to lose weight fast. * Find and practice ways to change my routine habits (eating and activity patterns) that I felt I could continue forever to stay at a healthy weight long term. I think…
  • For those few people who truly care, it would let them more fully enter their own foods, though, if they want to make the effort.
  • I've been reading what you write, and have felt concern. I thought I was reading between the lines that you were struggling, in a bit of a dark valley at the moment, but I didn't want to make assumptions. (I though you could've just been letting off some steam, but I now understand it's deeper than that.) Please hang in…
  • I'm frankly too bored with the question to go look at what you smart people are describing as a hot mess, but I'd make an observation about how statistics are often (mis-)used in the popular press, or misunderstood by the public. Reminder: The headline says "8-hour time-restricted eating linked to a 91% higher risk of…
  • There is more to weight loss, as a practical matter, than just getting calorie intake right, and getting calorie intake right isn't just about complying with a so-called calculator or fitness tracker. Human bodies are dynamic: Calories in affect calories out, and potentially vice-versa. There are some other sources of…
  • Welcome to the group, @Slashnl and @Drev7998! What may we do to help you, @drev7998? This is a kind and friendly group.
  • I don't use recipes (I just free-form cook, mostly), but some ingredients in my diary that are higher iron contributors are blackstrap molasses (a good brand has a surprising amount of iron and other micronutrients), tofu (which can be blended into things if a person dislikes the texture), and various veggies (greens,…
  • Look for protein snacks, eat protein for lunch if you eat lunch, look for sides, beverages and even seasoning ingredients that add a little protein. Those little bits can add up through the day and boost the total. This thread may help:…
  • That's a great point. Loosely, weight is water, other lean tissue (muscle, bone, etc.), fat, food in transit, a surprising weight of some gut microbes not even genetically us (maybe up to 5 pounds-ish), and probably some small stuff I'm forgetting. If a person is in an actual calorie deficit, they will lose weight in the…
  • I think I mentioned on the outdoor exercise photos thread that I crashed my car, thankfully no one hurt, it got totaled (2009 model, parts expensive, blah blah blah). Today was "visit dealerships" day. Ugh. With a little luck, tomorrow may be "make a deal" day, and with super big luck, maybe even "acquire new car" day. If…
  • I took another bike ride through that same nice woods I mentioned a few days ago. Almost all the Cutleaf Toothwort (Cardamine concatenata) flowers that had been so plentiful were already gone. I found a few clumps looking a little worse for wear, and took multiple photos. My phone camera was having a bad day, I guess,…
  • But it's fine to average over a few days to a week. If you're 150 under goal on Monday, but 50 over on Tuesday, and 100 over on Wednesday, you'll end up with the same results for the week if you'd been exactly on goal for each of those 3 days. Some people even decide to eat at a calorie deficit during the week, and…
    in Good morning Comment by AnnPT77 April 25
  • Good advice from Mr. Taratoot. I'd add: Close, on average over a few days, is just fine. If you're a little over on something one day(-ish), and a little under on that the next(-ish), averaging approximately around your goal plus or minus a little . . . that's A-OK. If you're persistently very low on protein or fats most…
  • Back to stationary bike, 60'+3'. It was a little chilly to ride outside today, but mainly I couldn't fit it in. The indoor biking didn't start until 10PM. :grimace: I kept it super low power (80W), hoping not to get amped up that close to bedtime, not that I go to bed early. :D Heart rate kept bouncing around, so despite…
  • Posting this without stating or implying an opinion about it, other than saying that it seems relevant to some points that have been raised earlier in the thread. Brief overview: New standards for school…
  • Hi, Bonnie, and welcome (back)! Your approach sounds very level-headed: Go, you! Wishing you success, sincerely. :)
  • Quoting to see that on-brand @springerling62 truth-y truth-tastic truthfulness again! Me, too, pretty much the same story, but more like "only" 27% of my starting bodyweight (class 1 obese back then), while severely hypothyroid (medicated), of course menopausal. I was also not fully sedentary: I'd been a recreational…
    in Over 65 Comment by AnnPT77 April 25
  • One other potential for nighttime cravings is fatigue. By night, most of us are further from our last sleep. Fatigue accumulates over the day. At some point, decent chances the body will see energy to combat the fatigue. Voila, cravings! If that's a factor, and there's a way to improve sleep quality/quantity, that may…
  • You might want to double-check that your last body weight update doesn't have a typo, if you haven't already. For clarity: I'm not an MFP staff person, just a regular user. This post is also not any kind of a jab, because I can't even begin to count the number of times I've tripped over my own shoelaces, metaphorically…
  • I'm 68, lost weight from class 1 obese to healthy weight (around 50 pounds, for me) at age 59-60 using MFP. I've been at a healthy weight since - almost 8 years now. I'm also reasonably fit for our demographic, if our demographic is all of the 60+ women, not just those who've been successful here (of which there are a…
  • I'm confused why you've posted this several times in different parts of the Community, including twice (I think) in this part. I believe I answered on one of your other threads already. Please don't cross-post. :flowerforyou:
  • I'd log it as yoga or at most the least-intense calisthenics, using the standard MFP exercise database entries: "Stretching, hatha yoga" "Calisthenics, home, light/moderate effort" If you use one of those, use the wall clock time to complete the whole sequence, but if you spend multi-minutes in there talking to the…
  • I'm confused why you've posted this several times in different parts of the Community, including twice (I think) in this part. I believe I answered on one of your other threads already. Please don't cross-post. :flowerforyou:
  • My go-to quick breakfast is dark roast crunch peanut butter rolled up in an Ezekiel pita, plus a glass of nonfat kefir. That would be 358 calories, 23.3g protein. For me, it's quite filling. I'd add coffee with quite a lot of hot skimmed milk, if I have time to make and enjoy it. That would add 58 calories, and 5.9g…
  • Wait, what, @moulding55? Did you mean to post on this thread, or on your thread here, where this one was linked: I'm not sure the OP of this thread, @vismal (male), is around here any more. I 100% understand that this software…
  • That's a wonderful accomplishment! I admire your dedication, and am sure it helps you succeed with your goals. But you know that the number MFP gives on the profile page is the number of days we logged in, not the number of days we logged food, yes? For you, those two numbers may be the same, but that won't be true for…
  • I'm betting on "not accurate", but it will be interesting to see your results. Please report back. :) Why I think likely not accurate: Various reasons. An obvious one is that it says "if every day were like today". Every day can't possibly be like today. We move more or move less in daily life. We unavoidably make logging…