@kkenseth congrats for the weight loss! But that's a good idea to pre-plan the nights and include a good calorie burn if need be! thank you :)
@leggup so many good ideas, thank you! :)
@elphie754 we're only 18 but that sounds like a great way to try new things! Thank you :)
@2snakeswoman i know i just needed a short and snappy title to get peoples attention haha! but thank you :)
@lilawolf wow thank you for that :)
@Nessiechickie can i ask how far do you walk?
@meghrose17 sounds like you both motivate each other, well done to you both! My boyfriend is such a fussy eater its really hard to make healthy meals for us both :( but i'll be sure to give it more of a try! thank you :)
@tithed so glad someone else understands! But me and my boyfriend LOVE popcorn!! We do that but had no idea it was under 300 calories! thank you for the tip :)
@Kalikel that's a good idea, we are becoming quite lazy haha! thank you :)