omobad312 Member


  • What helps me not think about hunger much and be able to more easily stay on track is intermittent fasting. I don’t think the IF itself is to credit but the predictable eating times. There’s that 16 hours where I just don’t think about food now bc I know I’m not eating and when I am eating I often just want to eat one meal…
  • I just stopped doing a vegetarian keto diet. I was hoping it could be a lifestyle but it caused me too much stress to be healthy for me. I’m still incorporating more low carb meals but not keto. Anyways, there are several vegetarian and vegan youtubers who do “what I eat in a day” videos. Tom DeLauer, Ketoconnect, and Dr…
  • Just had the dairy free No Cow peanut butter chocolate chip protein bar and it was delicious.
  • In my opinion, whichever is easiest for you to do, as in it agrees with your schedule, curbs your cravings more, allows for enough energy to get through your day, etc is going to be the one that's best for you.
  • I exactly agree. I log my exercise at the end of the day too no matter when i did it and sometimes i just have my workouts in a note in my phone and don't put it here at all as I tend to use MFP just for food intake (I have a detailed written exercise log that I'm comfortable with). But yeah, I never want to go over my…
  • I don't really pick a weight. I weigh everyday and I guess if someone were to ask my weight and I actually decided to tell them, I'd say a range, like 160-163.