chocochip13 Member


  • Smooth move tea works for me..
  • I'll cook oats before work then pop it into a container. In a different container I'll cut up any fruit I have in the house. Oranges, apples, nectarines, banana, pears, dates.... Sometimes I'lll sprinkle unsweetened dried coconut nibs as well. Combine in one big bowl, and eat! :)
  • I've had the same issue, I always felt hungry and constantly thinking about food. I thought something is wrong with my body because I see people manage to stick to their calories and I had such a hard time with sticking to mine. Until I decided to try completely cutting out snacks and just split my calories (approx 1400)…
  • Hey you look amazing! How many calories are you eating and did you follow a specific program? I just started strong curves and would be so thrilled to have such incredible results...
  • Just wanted to thank everyone who replied. This is some solid advice, really appreciate it. I definitely know what I'll be doing tonight in that gym!
  • Just want to point something out. Fat can't be turned into muscle or vice versa. It's 2 different things... But yea your probably losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time and since muscle weighs more then fat it probably doesn't show up on the scale. But if your size is going down then do yourself a favor and don't…
  • Lately my 2 breakfast I alternate... Pomegranate arils, plain Greek yogurt, some chopped almonds... Mix...delicious and very filling Toast with avocado, and egg white veggie omelet with some onion salt..
  • I can only tell you from what I've experienced. I also have saddle bags plus a big booty. I run alot for cardio which has decreased the size of the SB, but I also weight train and do a lot of squats. My cellulite has evened out quite a bit, and the overall area looks tighter. I think it takes a long time to see a…
  • I love adding a teaspoon of cocoa powder and a sprinkle of sugar. It feels like I'm indulging cause it taste so chocolaty with hardly any added calories.
  • Incredible! Doesn't even look like the same person. U really inspired me!
  • Im also just beginning to lift. Just finished my first week and really enjoying it. I did find it uncomfortable in the weights area at the gym so I go really early morning untill I'll feel more confident lifting with all the guys... I downloaded the app bodyspace and they have hundreds of routines and there's images and…
  • Love Jillian Michaels podcast. Used to enjoy listening a lot more when her producer Janice was on but Jillian fired her. So now its not as fun but still like listening to what Jillian has to say.