mamabujak Member


  • Will do!!
  • Thanks - makes sense! I'm thinking 135g/day is not going to get me an where fast then! My insulin resistance is currently borderline, so they won't medicate me for it while I'm just gaining weight rapidly. I just want some mac'n'cheese!!!! Ughhh!! Time to readjust the meal plan I thought would be okay.. (and no, I didn't…
  • How are you all counting the carbs? I keep reading recipes with 'net' carbs listed but once I add it in my fitness pal, it's WAY more! My Dr. also suggested 'low' carb diet, but told me I can have 35g/meal (3x) and 15g/snack (2x) a day. That seems like a ton compared to your diets listed here. Am I counting wrong?? Thanks!