jaboucha Member


  • Sign me up. Tag me. I'd love to be a part of this group. As a busy mom, I have often used to excuse, I'm tired. And yes that is true, I need extra motivation and encouragement to take that walk or make healthier choices and to keep me accountable and on track. I was doing really good for a while, but then it's so easy to…
  • Thanks. I did it. Now it's not syncing yesterday's new steps into MFP. Any ideas?
  • Welcome back, I'm back after a long absence also. I need this tool to keep me on track...I've also synced it with Map my Walk...so I'm hoping this combo will keep me in check. Good luck with your journey.
  • Hi, I'm back too. I think my MFP account has been inactive for 24 months. But I'm back and committed to making myself a priority and take control of my health and fitness. Good luck to the both of us. Jen
    in Back Again Comment by jaboucha July 2015
  • Hi Nicci, glad your making yourself a priority. Keep it up
    in Hi Comment by jaboucha July 2015