Are the pre-training workouts similar to the 12 weeks? Or is it more cardio to build endurance?
I'm starting on Monday! I don't think I have the version with the Pre-Workout (I've had her guide for a while but kept putting it off). So I'm just going to be starting at Week One! Anyone else wanting to start with me?
Twins! :) Do you use a fitbit or anything similar? I've plateaued at this weight for a few years now, and have tried several methods to get rid of these last 15-20 pounds with no luck. Are you just starting or has this been a long journey for you also?
Lookin for my twin! Height: 5'6" Current: 148lbs Goal: 125lbs
I'm in the same place! Gotta take baby steps to reach the ultimate goal :) Giving myself 5lb at a time goals keeps me from being discouraged. What exercises are you doing? I downloaded a great running app that I use on the treadmill. Having someone else telling what to do and for how long works for me! And you determine…