Thanks for all your advice. I think weekends are the hardest for me! I'm gonna try planning my meals more and not thinking of them as 'treat days'
Thanks, that's some really good advice. I like the teeth brushing thing. I hate throwing away food but I guess it's necessary sometimes. X
Haha! Well I had some Ritter Sport chocolate – dunno if you have this in the US, if that's where you're based? It's *really* nice but only comes in big sized bars and I find portion control really hard!! If I buy a whole one I have to eat it!
I always eat the same, no matter whether I'm doing exercise or not! But I don't think I needed the calories because in the morning after the day of my run I had a healthy big brunch (fine) – I ended up bingeing on chocolate which I definitely didn't need!
Thanks. I did a 10K yesterday and I'm going to a dance class tomorrow so I don't feel *too* bad, but running when I've just eaten loads mades me feel really sick! And then I feel bad about myself because I know I'd feel fine and be able to run further if I hadn't eaten so much! I'll definitely eat lighter tomorrow though.…
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