GiuliaAutumn Member


  • I took the liberty to add some of you - everyone can add me too! o:) only, I can't guarantee I'll be extremely active in the next days cause I'll be on holidays. But as soon as I'm back I'll be here every single day! :)
  • I have the same problem and I somehow do have a "scale police": my boyfriend loves to make fun of me for weighting myself every morning :D but I have to say, your concern is well founded. Everytime I see my weight going up of half a kilo my day is automatically ruined - but there's no price on the satisfaction of seing…
  • You could make a big rice salad: it's meant to be eaten cold, lasts around 4 days in the fridge and there's plenty of different recipes online. The basic is, clearly, to boil the rice, chop up the veggies you prefer, cook the meat or fish or seafood if you're putting some in it. Then add sauce, mix it up and store it.…
  • Here's the first cat! :smiley: