marihurley216 Member


  • Thank you guys for taking time to respond back to me. Hearing other people who are going through it or have gone through it puts things in a different light.
  • Ttfnweight, Yes!!! I did soooo good today with calories and just ruined it all by pretty much eating everything in the kitchen. Ugh!!! How do you stay on track, Jmoya?? 34 pounds is great!! I tried a cheat day before and it did okay but I don't know if it will work for me. I need to completely change my eating for good.…
  • I definitely beat myself up for day's when I over eat. I didn't even know until recently you could message people or view other people's stuff on here. It is motivating to see other people's success. It is hard to change your life eating when others around you are eating everything you are trying to stay away from, Ya…