skatells Member


  • I just got one! I love it so far! Thanks for the workout tips- if anyone has any other videos they suggest etc that would be fab!
  • I’d also like to follow this thread. Just bought a rebounder (so excited!) and would love to hear tips (like, how long do people do it for? Any videos you recommend etc?)
  • I really appreciate you posting your weight chart! I’m in a bit of an annoying few weeks where the scale is stuck within the same two pounds, and is just not going down, but I’m still working hard and believing in the process. Thanks for reminding me it’s not just me!
  • Nicole I SO hear you! Sometimes when we feel it’s not working it is just really shattering and hard to bounce back from. You think, “I’m doing everything right! What’s going wrong?!?”. But I really like what one of the people posted above (we’re trying to lose fat, not weight) so we need to try to extricate our feelings…
  • This is really the chain I needed to see today! I’ve nearly come on to ask a similar thing myself about plateaus and weight frustrations, and the messages on here (weight loss slows as you lose, plateaus aren’t really a thing, determination and consistency are key...) I just really needed to be reminded of this. I had a…