LegalMom0928 Member


  • I have them for breakfast fairly often. I really like them. They keep me full till lunch, they taste great, and have a decent amount of fiber. If you have the calories for them and like them, then go for it!
  • I have made several variations of this recipe and we always love the results: I make my own homemade sauce, with whatever I have on hand and sounds good. It is a quick, healthy alternative to traditional lasagna, and it has tons of flavor.
  • Ditto on FitnessBlender. Its (mostly) free, very user friendly, and the people who do the videos are not super peppy (which drives me crazy!). I like it because I can pick workouts according to how much time I have to squeeze one it. It helps minimize my excuses to not workout! I think what is most important is that you're…
  • Just swapping veggies for the noodles will save you 430 calories, 49g of carbs, and nearly half the fat!! Little changes lead to big success!! :smile:
  • I soak mine overnight in salt water. Then I cook them in the crockpot with all my seasonings, on high, all day (6-8 hours). When they are good and tender, they are done! This is also how I do pinto beans and southern style green beans. I agree that the key is how you season them. There are lots of great recipes out there,…
  • Taking the first step is the most important! Congrats on your decision to get healthy! I completely agree with the other posters; you have to really commit to taking care of yourself. The relationship you have with food has to be completely rebuilt. But you can't do that until you've really dedicated yourself to being…
  • So, I picked up three flavors and had the first one (sea salt caramel) today for breakfast. So far, I'm not super impressed. It is very yogurt-like in texture. But the flavor is just a little... odd. It almost tastes bitter to me. Not sour, like Greek yogurt, but sort of chemical-ish, if that makes sense. I'm wondering if…
  • Thanks for all the great feedback!! I think I'm going to try it out. But, unless it is some kind of crazy delicious, I probably won't replace my yoplait with it. Because I'm cheap! ;-) I do like the idea of using it in place of cream cheese, though. Is it spreadable, like on a bagel? I bet it would be great as a base for…
  • Was there a specific brand/flavor you tried and liked? This is the brand I saw the ad for:
  • I agree with other posters, in that calorie wise, it is likely very close. As long as you are really giving it your best through all 3 intervals. And, as you go along, you can stretch them out to build endurance/"fitness" until you are able to do it in 2 halves, and then the whole thing at once! The main point is that…
  • I am so sorry you are struggling with this. Binge eating is a terrible, difficult habit to break. First and foremost, I want to tell you that you CAN stop it, you CAN break the cycle, and you CAN be healthy. It takes a lot of work, without a doubt, but you CAN do it! I would urge you to log the binges. Accountability is…
  • I have severe PCOS and it definitely complicates weight loss. But, its not impossible. In my experience, staying within my calorie goal is vital. Personally, I try to stay away from processed foods and junk food, and stick to homemade meals. Also, cutting back on carbs (think diabetes/insulin resistance) makes a huge…
  • I have one and I love it! Even my picky little will eat "zoodles" when I make them! Our favorite is to use it in place of pasta with my homemade spaghetti sauce. I see another poster mentioned Seriously the BEST website for spiralizer ideas!! They have tons of options, not just zucchini, and some…