I speak three languages, English, Sarcasm and Body ... Feel free to add me. I'm kinda big deal and have an "off sense of humor" But warning, I use bad words and show my belly button from time to time ... I'm not everyone's cup of tea, but if you want to try me out - I'm free for 30 days.
Your Highness with Danny McBride and James Franco. This movie is definitely slap stick, sick sense of humor and acting is pretty bad but it makes me laugh out loud every time I watch it
Dang this is a long thread, but I'm available - I don't want to go through and pick and choose who to friend, but if you want to friend me, please feel free. Disclaimer: I can be a bit sarcastic and not sure if I'll be logging food or not - don't know if I want to go that route, but I would love to see how this is working…