thank you very much for your reply, i really want to begin to lift weights but i was really worried about the results caused by my ignorance about this topic. So, as the book costs around 10 euros i will defenitely buy this book. I also would like to apologize if i seem unreceptive.
I ve just taken a look and they are paid program. Do you have a free link ?
what are these?:)
So no one can decide how to be. Gens do.
It could I hope so... Because i think my body stores the majority of the fat in my lower body as my upperbody is very thin :)
I know and im collecting money ti get a personal trainer Who will teach me how to the exercises :) Ive also noticed that a lot of instagram "fitness stars" started with flat glutes, my glutes arent... I am worried about the result ( nicki minaj effect).
I did not want to say that i dont like the pictures, my worry is to get bigger glutes but i want to have shaped lower body infact i would like to underline that my hips are 94 cm.
I really Thank you :) you are giving me motivaton im so happy :)
What normally weight training do? Is makes your muscles bigger ? Because i would like to loose inches from my waist. The problem is that my hips are 94 cm not because of the fat. I was born like this, since i had 8 years old im a pear shape.
Ok Thank you for your advises :) do you lift weights?