fslumb Member


  • Hello my name is felicity, i have gone from Bulimic to Anorexic to binge eater to mummy! Gosh i feel ur hurt but recognising and trying to change is the biggest step in ur new life!! Add me if u like but the most important thing to recognise is that u have already made the first step!! Xx
  • Im TTC too (with our first it happened instantly) so feeling really disheartened even though its only been 4 months! Hoping reducing my weight and generally eating better will boost my chances this month! Good luck everyone! Add me if you like xx
  • I am just trying to walk rather than use the car as much as possible, my 2 year old still uses her buggy most the time and its very hilly where i live so hoping this will help, although im not counting my excercise for extra cals cos i doubt it burns much!
  • Id like to lose 16lbs initially, we are trying to concieve also so hoping getting healthier will improve our chances as no joy so far! Glad its not me that finds 1200 difficult i guess it gets easier with time!
  • Derbyshire, England :)