ashtem10 Member


  • I'll add. I could do with some motivation myself. Feel free to add me
  • I have just left my son's father after putting up with 14 years of infidelity. I will be turning 29 at the end of this week and have extreme low self esteem and confidence. I want to lose weight so I can feel good about myself and start living my life with smiles and not tears
  • Im currently 82kgs and my goal is 62kgs. I also need friends to help motivate me during this extremely hard journey of weight loss. I lack confidence and have low self esteem. This weight loss with help me over come these and needs friends to help.
  • Hi im Ashley and also needing some people to help motivate me too. It is an emotio al journey and always find it hard. I have just seperated from my sons father after 14years of putting up with his infidelity and have found it extremely difficult getting over it as I have found myself to be in a low self esteem ugly fat…