You aren't eating enough. Not eating enough makes your body hold on to whatever it can get sometimes causing weight gain.
Chalene extreme or 21 day fix. Add me on if you want more info
You probably need to up the cals if you are trying to gain muscle. Weight gain is just your body adjusting to your food intake and can take 3 weeks to settle.
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I gained 20lbs in a year. You've got this.
How much protein are you consuming? And what workout are you doing?
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To gain 1lb you have to be on a surplus of 3500 extra a week above maintenance. I suggest a slow gain so you aren't gaining as much fat.
Been doing IF almost 2.5 months. Broke through my plateau. I do 16/8. Can definitely see stubborn belly fat going away. I feel better when I don't eat breakfast. Eating breakfast had me hungrier within an hour. Not eating it, I break my fast at 1pm and it's fine. No hunger.
Stop listening to what the media tells you. You can't keep up a low carb lifestyle. How do you power through your workouts?